Click on the images for a Speaker's personal CV

Pietro Barbetta
Director of the Centro Milanese di Terapia Familiare, Italy
Professor of Psychodynamic Theories, University of Bergamo. Therapist at the l'equipe Etnoclinica Forme Ruah and at the Centro di Terapia della Famiglia di Bergamo.
Pietro Barbetta
Director of the Centro Milanese di Terapia Familiare, Italy

Paolo Bertrando
Director of the Systemic-Dialogical School of Psychotherapy, Bergamo, Italy
Paolo Bertrando MD, PhD, psychiatrist and systemic-dialogical therapist, was trained by Luigi Boscolo and
Gianfranco Cecchin in the 1980s. He has travelled widely holding courses and workshops about systemic
therapy, in Italy, Europe, Latin America, Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia. His latest book published in 2014 is Emotions and theTherapist (Karnac Books). He is currently the director of the Systemic-Dialogical School of Psychotherapy in Bergamo, Italy.
Paolo Bertrando
Director of the Systemic-Dialogical School of Psychotherapy, Bergamo, Italy
Corrado Bogliolo
Honorary President, Relational Psychotherapy Institute of Pisa and Rimini ( IPR), Italy
Corrado Bogliolo . Born in Rome in 1932. Psychotherapist, psychiatrist , Director of psychiatric services in Florence, retired in 1997. Former director of Relational Psychotherapy Institute of Pisa and Rimini ( IPR). Now honorary President. Since 1973 trained in Relational Psychotherapy in L. Cancrini school, Rome. Member of SIPPR. Founded the IPR, wich was recognized by MIUR since 1993. Now is Pisa, Via B. Croce, 62. In 2001 opened the branch office in Rimini. Teacher in Florence University (Social Worker): General Pathology, Communication Diseases; University of Pisa (Psychiatry Specialization ): Family Psychotherapy. Bibliography since 2010:
- Family Mediation Handbook, with AM Bacherini) Angeli, Milan, 2010
- Obesity and relational theory, on Gremigni P., The obesity problem. Maggioli,
- From sculpture to family spatial rapresentation (2012) with D. Capone, et al.) Armando,
- Transgenerationality and psychotherapies (2013) - A review of studies, hypotheses, experiences. FrancoAngeli, Milan
- A permanent emergency: a longitudinal family study coping with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (2014) On: F.Tramonti et al., Fam Syst Health; 32 (3):
- Training in relational psychotherapy- A reasoned path in training experiences(2015), with A.M.Bacherini Angeli, Milan,
- Doing and being a relational therapist - Doubts and questions in Relational psychotherapy 2nd edition Angeli, Milano 2018
Corrado Bogliolo
Honorary President, Relational Psychotherapy Institute of Pisa and Rimini (IPR), Italy

Maria Borcsa
Professor of Clinical Psychology,University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, Germany
Maria Borcsa, PhD, is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Applied Sciences in Nordhausen, Germany. She is a licensed psychological psychotherapist (CBT), family therapist, trainer and supervisor. Dr. Borcsa is founding member of the Institute for Social Medicine, Health Care Research and Rehabilitation Sciences at UAS Nordhausen, co-editor of the scientific journals “Systeme” (2001 -2014), “Psychotherapie im Dialog” (2007-2019), member of the Editorial Board of the journals "Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology", “Contemporary Family Therapy”, advisory editor of “Family Process”, associate editor of “Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy”, and founding editor of the EFTA Family Therapy Book Series.She has been board member of the Systemic Society (Systemische Gesellschaft), German Association for Systemic Research, Therapy, Supervision and Counselling (2005-2011); board member of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) (2007-2016), Chair of the Chamber of National Family Therapy Organizations of EFTA (2010-2013), and President of EFTA (2013-2016).Her research interests focus on qualitative methods in mental health and globalized families. For publications please see:
Maria Borcsa
Professor of Clinical Psychology,
University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, Germany

Francesco Bruni
Director of the Emmeci s.c. Institute,Professor at Centro Studi di Terapia Familiare e Relazionale, Italy
Dr. Francesco Bruni, psychologist, psychotherapist, director of the Emmeci s.c. Institute, professor at Centro Studi di Terapia Familiare e Relazionale, contract professor of clinical psychology at the University of Piemonte Orientale.
Francesco Bruni
Director of the Emmeci s.c. Institute, Professor at Centro Studi di Terapia Familiare e Relazionale, Italy

Marie-Christine Cabié
Hospital Psychiatrist (F-Paris),Psychotherapist,
President of EBTA (European Brief Therapy Association), France
Hospital Psychiatrist (F-Paris)
Psychotherapist and trainer in family therapy, ericksonian hypnosis, brief systemic therapy.
President of EBTA (European Brief Therapy Association)
Member of the editorial board of the Revue “Therapie familiale” (Ed Médecine & Hygiène Genève)
Director of the collection “Relations” at Ed. Erès (F-Toulouse)
Author of:
- «Adolescence, crise familiale» avec Carole Gammer Collection Relations Ed Erès 1992
- «Pour une thérapie brève : le choix du patient comme éthique en psychothérapie» Collection Relations Ed Erès 1997
- «L’entretien infirmier en santé mentale : l’apport systémique dans une profession en mutation» avec N Beauzée, C Rybak, A Vasseur Collections relations Ed Erès 2003
- «Génogramme et thérapie Brève» dans «Génogrammes, mille et une histoires de familles» Anne-Marie Garnier et Francesca Mosca Erès 2005
- «Le génogramme, réservoir de ressources : l’apport des approches systémiques brèves» in «Génogramme ou arbre généalogique : regards systémiques et psychanalytiques» sous la direction de Muriel Katz-Gilbert, Joëlle Darwiche, Claudine Veuillet-Combier Ed In Press 2015
- «Alliances thérapeutiques et thérapies brèves : le modèle de Bruges» avec Luc Isebaert et Hélène Dellucci Collections Relations Ed Erès 2015
Marie-Christine Cabié
Hospital Psychiatrist (F-Paris), Psychotherapist, President of EBTA (European Brief Therapy Association), France

Antonio Caruso
Founder & Director of Panta Rei Centre,
Founder of School of Specialization in Systemic and Socio-Constructionist Orientation Psychotherapy, Milan, Italy
Antonio Caruso, psychologist and psychotherapist, he worked for twenty years in public health, in mental health departments and in family therapy centers. In 1994 he founded the Panta Rei Center in Milan, which he directs from its birth and the School of Specialization in Systemic Psychotherapy and Socio-Constructionist Orientation (2011) which he founded after nineteen years of collaboration with Gianfranco Cecchin and Luigi Boscolo. Expert in sexology and in the treatment of psychological trauma. He deals with overt pathologies, couple therapy and leads psychotherapy groups. Follows families with children and adolescents. Member of national and international scientific societies. After He has collaborated with important centers of andrology and urology, currently collaborates with an important assisted reproduction center. In the model he carries out with his collaborators he combines the systemic and socio-constructionist approach with a particular attention to the body with motor sensory techniques, thus combining top-down and bottom-up therapy.
Antonio Caruso
Founder of School of Specialization in Systemic and Socio-Constructionist Orientation Psychotherapy, Milan, Italy

Pasquale Chianura
Director of the Institute of Psychotherapy METAFORA, School of Specialization Systemic-Family, Bari-Rome, Italy
Pasquale Chianura, child psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist, psychotherapist with psychoanalytic and systemic training, in the 80's he founded the Institute of Family Psychotherapy in Bari, which later became the Institute of Psychotherapy METAFORA, School of Specialization Systemic-Family recognized by the MIUR in 1994 with educational facilities in Bari and Rome. For many years he directed the Public Services of Psychiatry and Child Neuropsychiatry in Bari, applying the systemic-family model to the management of the Department of Mental Health, facilitating and intensifying psychotherapeutic work. Expert in the care of families with children, he works mainly in individual and couple settings, extended to significant family members as collaborators in the therapeutic process. His main contributions to the field of Family Clinic are the work with adolescents, on the borderline disorder through an integrated approach between systemic optics and psychoanalysis (Family and Borderline Personality. Prospects for the therapeutic intervention Progedit 2007).
Chianura was president of S.I.P.P.R. (Italian Society of Relational Psychology and Psychotherapy) for two terms from 2003 to 2009 organizing in Bari two international conferences, the first in 2006 "Multimodal therapy and culture, two ways to understand the mind (Acts published by Franco Angeli "Relations and care. Viaggio nel mondo della psicoterapia relazionale") and the second in January 2010 "La mente relazionale e l'intersoggettività. The contribution of systemic psychotherapy to the dialogue between biology and psychology" He has been Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Bari.
The reference model is the Structural - Experential (Minuchin - Whitaker), with particular attention paid to the history of the family (Bowen), the individual, the therapeutic relationship, the relationship between family and individual and between this and its inner world. The Institute has also been working for many years on a model of integrated family therapy, inspired by the principles of Bowlby's attachment theory, the research on Fonagy's reflective competence and the postulates of the Family Therapy of the object relations of G. and D. Scharff.
Pasquale Chianura

Stefano Cirillo
Psychologist, psychoterapist,
co-founder and co-director of “Mara Selvini Palazzoli” Psychoterapy School, Italy
Psychologist, psychoterapist, co-founder and co-director of “Mara Selvini Palazzoli” Psychoterapy School, pioneer in treatment of abusing parents obliged by the Juvenile Court (Families That Abuse: Diagnosis and Therapy. New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton & Co., Ltd., 1992), he recently dedicated himself to the therapies of men who have been abused in their childhood. Trainer and supervisor in Italy and in many contries abroad, especially in the field of foster care and protection of minors and of addiction. He has carried out clinical and research work on psychoses and nervous anorexia for years.
He is coauthor together with Mara Selvini Palazoli, Stefano Cirillo and Matteo Selvini of Family games, Norton, New York 1989; Karnac, London 1989 and Ragazze anoressiche e bulimiche (1998). In 2016 he wrote with Matteo Selvini and Anna Maria Sorrentino Entrare in terapia: Le sette porte della terapia sistemica [Going into therapy: The Seven Doors of Systemic Therapy], published by Raffaello Cortina.
Stefano Cirillo
co-founder and co-director of “Mara Selvini Palazzoli” Psychoterapy School, Italy

Maurizio Coletti
President & Director of IEFCoS (European Institute for Systemic Training and Consulting), Italy
President and Director of IEFCoS, European Institute for Systemic Training and Consulting, Former President of Itaca, European Association of Professional Addiction Workers. He is a member of the SIPPR and EFTA of which he was a member of the European Board of CIM as well. For Iefcos, he is part of Relates, Red Europea y Latino Americana de Terapia Sistemica.
He is in charge of training and updating in the field of family and systemic psychotherapy and in the field of preventive intervention and treatment in the field of addiction to substances. He is a trainer at Iefcos in the psychotherapy training course; at the same structure (member of TIC) he carries out seminars and lessons in the field of family therapy, as well as conducts seminars, lessons and training days at other Family Therapy Schools. In particular, he deals with intervention with families of problematic adolescents, DCA, consumption of substances and addictions and advice to couples in difficulty.
- Author of 145 articles or chapters published in the most important journals in the sector.
- Author or editor of 8 books.
- Over the years he has conducted workshops and training courses in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Greece, Argentina, Chile.
Maurizio Coletti
President & Director of IEFCoS (European Institute for Systemic Training and Consulting), Italy

Erna Dahl Tyskø
Leader of the coordinating unit, Family coordinator at Ørland Municipality, NorwayErna Henriette Dahl Tyskø has a master´s degree in family therapy and systemic practice. She works as the leader of the coordinating unit and as a family coordinator at Ørland Municipality in Norway. She has also her own company from where she is holding supervision groups and lectures related to family therapy and systemic practice. Tyskø is the editor of the Norwegian Association of Family Therapy`s magazine, Metaforum. She is especially interested in adapting systemic and family therapeutic ideas into community practice in order to facilitate collaboration between users and professionals in their own contexts.
Erna Dahl Tyskoe
Leader of the coordinating unit, Family coordinator at Ørland Municipality, Norway

Sonia Di Caro
Director & Sole Administrator of the Centre for Relational Therapy (C.T.R.), Catania, Italy- Graduated in Psychology from the University of Palermo (1997);
- Specialized in systemic-relational psychotherapy at the Center for Studies of Family Therapy and Relational of Rome (2005);
- Teaching at the Centre for Relational Therapy (C.T.R.) in Catania since 2010;
- Director and Sole Administrator of the Centre for Relational Therapy (C.T.R.) in Catania since 2012;
- SIPPR member since 2010;
- Member and Member of the Coordination Committee of the Centre for the Study of Family Therapy and Relational of Rome since 2012;
- Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal "Ecologia della Mente", Il Pensiero Scientifico publisher;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the online magazine "La Notte Stellata";
- She is in charge of training students and clinical psychotherapy activities aimed at individuals, couples, families;
Author of the following works:
- the article " La causalità circolare è un martello: percorsi, usi e abusi del concetto più potente e rivoluzionario dell’approccio sistemico", Ecologia della Mente, n.1/2013, Il Pensiero Scientifico publisher;
- the book " La psicoterapia del distacco: dinamiche intrapsichiche, funzionamenti familiari e trattamento del lutto in terapia relazionale” published by Alpes, Rome 2017.
Sonia Di Caro
Director & Sole Administrator of the Centre for Relational Therapy (C.T.R.), Catania, Italy

Laura Fruggeri
Psychologist, Psychotherapist,
Director of the Centro Bolognese di Terapia della Famiglia in Bologna, Italy
Laura Fruggeri, Psychologist and psychotherapist. She was Professor of Family Psychology at the University of Parma (Italy) and visiting professor at the University of New Hampshire. She has served as external examiner in the PhD program of the Tavistock Clinic. She is now director of the Centro Bolognese di Terapia della Famiglia in Bologna (Italy), where she works as teacher and psychotherapist. She is consultant and supervisor of teams working in the mental health services and has given seminars in many European and American Training Institutes and Universities, with many of which she still keeps contacts for research and teaching. She is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of national and international Journals in the family studies field and has consistently presented at national and international conferences. She is author of numerous articles, essays and books. Her research is currently focused on: Relationships and processes in non-traditional families; Interactions and transitions in everyday family life with a particular interest in families’ microtransitions; Process analysis of therapeutic conversations; Psychotherapy in residential psychiatric contexts.
Laura Fruggeri
Director of the Centro Bolognese di Terapia della Famiglia in Bologna, Italy

Gennaro Galdo
Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Co-founder of Istituto di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Relazionale e Familiare - ISPPREF, Italy
More information will be announced soon.
Gennaro Galdo

Emanuela Giglio
High school diploma in 1998.
Degree in Psychology at the University of Cagliari in 2003.
Specialization in Psychotherapy at the High School of Clinical Psychology of IFREP in 2009
Specialization in EMDR, psychodiagnostics, interview with abused child in the clinical and forensic field, school psychology. Practical-training experience at the Help Center for Abused Children and the Families founded by Luigi Cancrini at Rome.
Since 2008 psychotherapist of children, adolescents and young mothers hosted by the communities of the Domus de Luna Foundation, under the scientific supervision of Luigi Cancrini.
From 2016 school psychologist at the Comprehensive School Pirri I-II of Cagliari, promoter of the “Without Backpack School” experimentation in Sardinia.
From 2018 psychotherapist in the REACT project, Networks to Educate Adolescents through Community and Territory, supported by the Social Enterprise “With Children” to combat educational poverty and school dropout in adolescents between 11 and 14 years, in synergy with the school and Exmè (an aggregation center founded by Domus de Luna in a suburbs of Cagliari).
From 2019 coordinator of “Little House, Big Heart”, a project dedicated to prevention, educational support and psychotherapeutic care for children between the ages of 5 and 14 and their families.
Emanuela Giglio
Psychotherapist at Domus de Luna Foundation, Caligari, Italy

Edith Goldbeter-Merinfeld
Director of Training, Institut d’Etudes de la Famille et des Systèmes Humains, Brussels
Doct. In Psychology, Prof. Hon. ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Director of the training at the Institut d’Etudes de la Famille et des Systèmes Humains, Brussels.
Supervisor in different countries and family therapist.
Editor of the Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux.
Founding Member of EFTA , of the Belgian French Speaking Association of Family Therapist Trainers and of ABIPFS (Belgian Association of Family Therapist).
Award for outstanding contribution to the field of Family Therapy delivered by EFTA, Glasgow 2007.
Authors of various articles and books (mostly in French).
Edith Goldbeter-Merinfeld
Prof. Hon. ULB (University Libre of Brussels),
Director of Training, Institut d’Etudes de la Famille et des Systèmes Humains, Brussels

Paolo Gritti
Professor at Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy
Psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology - University of Campania, Dept of Psychiatry. Author of more than 250 scientific papers, author and editor of monographs on issues of systemic-relational psychotherapy. Trainer & supervisor of family system therapy. Past-President, SITF (Italian Association of Family Therapy); President, SIPO (Italian Association of Psycho-Oncology).Full member SIPPR. Member, psychotherapies training programs Consulting Committee of Italian Ministry of Health.
Editor, Journal of Psychosocial Systems.
Paolo Gritti

Annette Kreuz
Clinical Psychologist, Director of the Centre for Phasic Family Therapy, Fase 2, Valencia, Spain
Annette Kreuz was born in Germany but lives and works in Valencia (Spain). She became a Clinical Psychologist ( Ministery of Health, Spain ) and is accredited as Psychotherapist and Supervisor in Family Therapy in Spain and Germany. She is honorary and founding member of the Valencian Association for Family Therapy. Since 1992 she is the Director of a training centre in Family Therapy that offers basic, advanced and continuous training and supervision.
She has been General Secretary of several important Spanish and International Psychotherapy Federations, including EFTA ( European Family therapy Association. EWOK for Family Therapy and Intervention in EAP) and FEAP ( Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicoterapia , In 2010 she was awarded with the Award for Special Contribution to the work of EFTA.
Currently, she is Advisory Member for Psychotherapy of the National Spanish Board of Psychologists , and Member of EuroPsy Specialist European Awarding Committee in Psychotherapy.
Her main interest in the field of family and systems therapy is to reach a broader understanding of the bio-pycho-sociological model of human interaction and change processes to promote mental health and emotional wellbeing.
She is totally convinced that good feedback helps organize research, therapy and training.
Annette Kreuz
Clinical Psychologist, Director of the Centre for Phasic Family Therapy, Fase 2, Valencia, Spain

Lennart Lorås
Associate Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,Adjunct Associate Professor at VID Specialized University, Oslo, Norway
Lennart Lorås, has a doctoral degree in systemic psychotherapy from Tavistock Clinic/East London University. Lorås work as an Associate Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and Adjunct Associate Professor at VID Specialized University in Oslo. Lorås has extensive experience in qualitative research methods. His research interest’s concerns systemic family therapy, child and adolescent mental health and drug death related bereavement and recovery. Lorås also has comprehensive experience as a teacher and supervisor in family therapy, post Milan-systemic and social constructionistic ideas.
Lennart Loraas
Associate Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Adjunct Associate Professor at VID Specialized University, Oslo, Norway

Camillo Loriedo
Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”,
Founding President of SIPPR (Italian Family Therapy Association), Italy
Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Scientific and Training Director, Istituto Italiano di Psicoterapia Relazionale of Rome
Scientific and Training Director, Scuola Italiana di Ipnosi e Psicoterapia Ericksoniana of Rome
President, Società Italiana di Psicoterapia (SIPSIC-Italian Society of Psychotherapy).
President, Società Italiana Milton Erickson (SIME-Italian Milton Erickson Society).
President, Società Italiana di Ipnosi (SII-Italian Society of Hypnosis).
Since 1998, Board of Directors of the Milton Erickson Foundation (Phoenix, Arizona).
Founding President, Società Italiana di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Relazionale (SIPPR: Italian Family Therapy Association)
Founding President, Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni di Psicoterapia (FIAP)
Past-President, International Society of Hypnosis (ISH),
Past-President European Society of Hypnosis (ESH)
Awarded The Milton H. Erickson Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to the field of Psychotherapy, in Phoenix, Arizona (2001)
Awarded The Benjamin Franklin Award (Gold Medal), the highest honor of ISH, with the following motivation: Prolific author, creative therapist distinguished leader. You have exemplified the highest achievement in promoting academic and clinical efficacy of hypnosis worldwide, while pionering the use of hypnosis in couples and family psychotherapy, 2012, in Bremen
He has authored over 390 scientific papers and 32 books
Camillo Loriedo
Professor at University of Rome “La Sapienza”,
Founding President of SIPPR (Italian Family Therapy Association), Italy

Gianmarco Manfrida
Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist,
Director at Centro Studi e Applicazione della Psicologia Relazionale (Prato), Italy
Psychiatrist, psychotherapist. University degrees in Medicine, Psychology and Sociology. Director and teacher at Centro Studi e Applicazione della Psicologia Relazionale (Prato); Past President of Italian Society of Relational Psychology and Psychotherapy (S.I.P.P.R.). 3 books and more than 150 papers published in Italy and foreign countries; member of scientific committees of Contemporary Family Therapy (USA), Redes (Mexico), Terapia Familiare, Ecologia della Mente, Psicobiettivo, Rivista di Costruttivismo. In private practice as individual, couple and family therapist, his interests lie in interpersonal relationships, Narrative Therapy, new online resources for psychotherapy. Principal guest at the world congress of Relates network, connecting Spanish speaking European and SouthAmerican therapists and teachers (Barcelona 2019). The third edition of his book “Narration and Psychotherapy” is being translated into Spanish (ed. Morata).
Gianmarco Manfrida
Director at Centro Studi e Applicazione della Psicologia Relazionale (Prato), Italy
Desa Markovic
Head of Programmes, Regent's University, London, UK
Desa Markovic is a registered systemic psychotherapist and supervisor and an accredited psychosexual therapist and supervisor. She worked as a systemic and psychosexual therapist in various contexts in the UK including psychiatric hospitals, psychosexual clinics and private practice. She held senior academic posts at various psychotherapy training organisations in London, such as senior tutor at KCC (Kensington Consultation Centre), CSCT (Central School of Counselling and Therapy), Relate, and was Assistant Director and Director of Training at the Institute of Family Therapy. Desa has given lectures and presentations at numerous national and international conferences such as The North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, The European Society for Psychotherapy Research, The European Federation of Sexology and several World Association of Sexual Health conferences including Sweden, Australia, Canada, Brazil and Singapore. In 2014 she was awarded fellowship from SSSSR (Sheffield Society for the Study of Sexuality and Relationships) for her contribution to sexology. Her book Working with sexual issues in psychotherapy; a practical guide using a systemic social constructionist framework, was published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2017. Over the past years she has published several chapters on the subject of systemic and psychosexual therapy and articles in peer reviewed journals such as Human Systems (KCC and Leeds University Research Centre), Sexual and Relationship Therapy (Routledge) and Australian and New Zealand Journal for Family Therapy. Currently she is Head of Programmes for Psychotherapy and Counselling and Professor in Systemic Psychotherapy at Regent’s University London.
Desa Markovic
Head of Programmes, Regent's University, London, UK

Anna Mascellani
Psychologist and family therapist
Deputy Director of Accademia di Psicoterapia della Famiglia, Rome, Italy
Deputy Director, Teacher, Senior Supervisor, and member of the International Scientific Committee of the Accademia di Psicoterapia della Famiglia of Rome. Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Terapia Familiare. Former short-term contract Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome.
I have been working in close collaboration with Maurizio Andolfi, master family therapist well known all over the world, in co-therapy and in teaching since 2004. I have been conducting several intensive clinical courses in couple and/or family therapy, specifically organized for foreign therapists coming from different parts of the world.
For many years I’ve been working in three main areas at the same time: teaching, clinical practice and research. I presented papers in many international conferences in Italy and abroad and have been a lecturer in several post-graduate master courses.
Areas of specialization and publication include: experiential training in the systemic-relational and multigenerational approach, with particular focus on Intergenerational Couple Therapy and Family Therapy with Children and Adolescents.
Anna Mascellani

Lia Mastropaolo
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Director of Il Metalogo – Scuola Genovese Sistemica, Italy
Lia Mastropaolo, psychologist, psychotherapist, Director of Il Metalogo – Scuola Genovese Sistemica, carries out didactic and clinical activities, responsible of Sezione Ligure della Società Italiana di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Relazionale (SIPPR), teacher for Società Italiana di Ricerca e Terapia Sistemica (SIRTS) Member of EFTA, RELATES (Rete europea latino americana di scuole sistemiche), Co-founder S.I.Me.F., Teacher for AIMS. Professor for different Italian, Spanish and Latin American Universities. Former Professor of Mediazione Familiare c/o Università di Genova – worked for several years in the Public Sector as responsible for the Centro Specialistico di Terapia della Famiglia and di Mediazione Famigliare, advisor for the Comune nel Centro Storico di Genova. Both Author and co-author for publications in Italian, Spanish, Greek and English.
Lia Mastropaolo

Andrea Mosconi
Professor, Director of the Paduan Center of Family Therapy, Italy
Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, teacher of the Milanese Center of Family Therapy, director of the Paduan Center of Family Therapy, ordinary teaching member and former member of the Executive Council of the Italian Society of Relational Psychology and Psychotherapy (SIPPR), training partner of the Italian Research Society and Systemic Therapy (SIRTS), formator of the International Association of Systemic Mediators (AIMS), director of the North-East Macroregion of AIMS, formator of the National Coordination of Professional Counselor (CNCP), Master in Hypnosis, European Supervisor in EMDR.
Andrea Mosconi
Professor, Director of the Paduan Center of Family Therapy, Italy

Matthias Ochs
Dipl.-Psych., Psychological Psychotherapist/ Systemic Family Therapist (DGSF / SG)/
Teacher of Systemic Therapy (DGSF), Fulda - University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Dr. Matthias Ochs is a psychologist, psychotherapist (certified by the German psychotherapy law), systemic family therapist, trainer for systemic therapy and counseling (certified by the German systemic associations) and a Gestalt therapist. He is a professor for Psychology and Counseling at a department for Social Work at the Fulda University of Applied Sciences in Germany. He was 2010-2017 co-president together with Prof. Dr. Jochen Schweitzer of the International Systemic Research Conferences in Heidelberg. His current topics of interest are: systemic practice and research, epistemology of psychotherapy and systemic work, dialogism in systemic work, systems theory of professional networks, multi- and interprofessional cooperation of employment and welfare offices, negative and adverse effects of systemic therapy and counseling. Current publication: Ochs, Matthias, Borcsa, Maria & Schweitzer, Jochen (eds.) (2020). Linking systemic research and practice – Innovations in paradigms, strategies and methods. (European Family Therapy Association Series, Volume 5). Cham: Springer International.
Mathias Ochs
Dipl.-Psych., Psychological Psychotherapist/ Systemic Family Therapist (DGSF / SG)/
Teacher of Systemic Therapy (DGSF), Fulda - University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Kallistheni Pantelidou Vorkas
Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and Family Therapist, Cyprus
Dr. Kallistheni Pantelidou Vorkas has graduated from the Medical School of Athens. She specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry and she has worked at public hospitals in both Cyprus and Greece. She completed her training in systemic psychotherapy at Athenian Institute of Anthropos, while she continues her training in Group Psychotherapy. She is a member of the board of directors of Cyprus Child and Adolescent Society and served as secretary, chairman and now treasurer. She keeps a private medical office. She has a special interest in family therapy and gives seminars to parents and educators on the psycho-emotional evolution of children. She has also worked for four years as a lecturer at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus.
Kallistheni Pantelidou Vorkas
Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and Family Therapist, Cyprus

Kyriaki Polychroni
Psychologist, Systemic Psychotherapist and Trainer,
Athenian Institute of Anthropos, Director EFT Greek Network
Kyriaki Polychroni is a Psychologist, Systemic Psychotherapist and Trainer. She is specialized in Attachment and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and is Internationally Certified as a Couple Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer (ICEEFT). Kyriaki holds a long-standing position on the Faculty and Scientific Council of the Athenian Institute of Anthropos – the first center to practice family therapy in Europe. She is the Founder and Director of the EFT Greek Network. For several years now, she trains and supervises professionals in Couple and Family Therapy throughout Europe and in Iran. Kyriaki is Past President of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA, 2010-2013) and a member of the Association since its early founding. She has played a major role in the networking and mutual learning of Family Therapy Trainers in Europe, and in 2016 was given an Award for her Outstanding Contribution to Family Therapists in Europe and was appointed Honorary President of the EFTA Chamber of Training Institutes (EFTA-TIC). For several years, Kyriaki has held the position of Joint Editor of “Human Systems”, a long established multidisciplinary European Journal of Systemic Practice.
Kyriaki Polychroni

Petros Polychronis
Director of the Athenian Institute of Anthropos (A.I.A.), Greece
Petros Polychronis M.D., E.C.P., is a Child-Psychiatrist, Systemic Group and Family Psychotherapist.
Dr. Polychronis is the Director of the Athenian Institute of Anthropos (A.I.A.) in Greece, - a center founded by George and Vasso Vassiliou (FAGPA) in 1963 - the first to practice systemic group and family therapy in Europe.
He is involved as a Consultant to the development of support programs for multi-problem families in a variety of contexts dealing with Child and Family welfare and in community group interventions.
He is a Founding Member of the European Family Therapy Association (E.F.T.A.), of the Hellenic Association for Systems Thinking and Family Psychotherapy, and of the Greek Society for De-Institutionalization and Mental Health.
He has served on the Executive Council of the World Association for Social Psychiatry and of the Hellenic Child-Psychiatric Association.
Dr. Polychronis is a Visiting Professor at Postgraduate programs at the Universities of Athens, Crete and Ioannina.
Main areas of interest/publication (Greek Journals): Training in Systems Thinking, Groups and Family Therapy. Family as a Group for Developing Skills/Metaskills in a Digital World. The Child as Co-Therapist in Family Therapy. Systems Consultation to Organizations.
Petros Polychronis

Peter Rober
Professor at the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium
Peter Rober, PhD is clinical psychologist, family therapist and family therapy trainer at Context -Center for marital and family therapy (UPC KU Leuven, Belgium). He is professor at the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies (medical school of K.U. Leuven, Belgium) where he teaches family therapy. His research interest areas focus on the therapy process, including especially the use of self of the therapist and the therapist’s inner conversation.
Peter Rober published several articles in international family therapy journals. Since 1992, he has presented international workshops on family therapy with children and adolescents. In 2017 he published the book “In Therapy Together: Family therapy as a dialogue” (Palgrave MacMillan).
Peter Rober
Professor at the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium

Giuseppe Ruggiero
Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Family mediator, Director,
Istituto di Medicina e Psicologia Sistemica di Napoli, Italy
More information to be announced soon.
Giuseppe Ruggiero

Carmine Saccu
Neuropsychiatrist-Psychotherapist, Director of Roman School of Family Psychotherapy, Italy
Carmine Saccu, Child Neuropsychiatry Doctor is Director of the Roman School of Family Psychotherapy. Former Associate Professor at the Chair of Child Neuropsychiatry of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, he worked for many years as a Family Therapy Service Manager. Since 1975 he has been teaching in the training and supervision of family therapists. He developed a particular way of working with children in therapy with play and humor, masters in activating the therapist's phantasmatic areas. In developing these areas of resonance, prof. Saccu helps therapists to discover creative potentials and new relationship spaces.
He is a Founding Member of: Institute of Family Therapy (ITF), Italian Society of Family Therapy (SITF), Italian Society of Relational Psychology and Psychotherapy (SIPPR), Roman School of Family Psychotherapy (SRPF), EuropeanFamiliyTherapyAssociation (EFTA), Italian Federation of Psychotherapy Associations (FIAP ), The European Association for Psycotherapy (EAP).
Carmine Saccu

Viola Sallay
Clinical health psychologist, Family therapist, Assistant professor at the University of Szeged, Institute of Psychology, Hungary
Viola Sallay, PhD. is a clinical health psychologist, family therapist and assistant professor at the University of Szeged, Institute of Psychology, Szeged, Hungary. She received her PhD in 2014. Her PhD thesis was based on qualitative Grounded Theory research of emotional self-regulation processes in the family home. Her research interests include relationship stress and well-being, positive functioning in couples and communities, self-regulation across the adult life-span, person-environment transaction in the family home and community settings, qualitative methods in psychological research. She is a member of the “EnviWell Research Group”, hosted at University of Tampere (FI) and author of several book chapters and papers both in Hungarian and in English. She works also as a family therapist in Budapest, Hungary with Hungarian and intercultural families.
Viola Sallay

Jochen Schweitzer
Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Head of Section Medical Organizational Psychology,
Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany
Prof. Dr. Jochen Schweitzer works at Heidelberg University Institute of Medical Psychology and at the Helm Stierlin Training Institute. He has initiated and organized the Heidelberg Systemic Research Conferences from 1998 to 2019. As a scientist and as former president (2007-2013) of the German Association for Systemic and Family Therapy (DGSF), he was involved in the process of the recognition of systemic therapy as evidence-based and insurance-reimbursed. As a co-leader of the SYMPA-project, he helped to introduce family systems psychiatry in 10 psychiatric hospitals.
Jochen Schweitzer
Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Head of Section Medical Organizational Psychology,
Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany

Matteo Selvini
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Director of "Mara Selvini Palazzoli" School of Psychotherapy, Milan, Italy
Matteo Selvini, psychologist and psychotherapist and manager of the School of Psychotherapy of Milan’s family "Mara Selvini Palazzoli". He has a particular expertise in taking care of difficult adolescents, in the field of family secrets, in research on the results of family therapies and post-traumatic personality disorders. He published Reinventare la psicoterapia (2004) and with S. Cirillo and A.M. Sorrentino I giochi psicotici nella famiglia (1988), Ragazze anoressiche e bulimiche (1998) and Entrare in terapia (2016).
Matteo Selvini

Jim Sheehan
Social Worker, Couple and Family Therapist, Systemic Supervisor, Professor of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, VID Specialized University, Oslo, Norway
Jim Sheehan is a Social Worker, Couple and Family Therapist and Systemic Supervisor. He worked for 36 years in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Ireland where he was Director of a Masters in Family and Couple Therapy program for University College Dublin at the Mater Hospital for 25 years. Since 2005 he has been Professor of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice at the VID Specialized University in Oslo, Norway, where he teaches family and couple therapy and supervises clinical research. He lives in Dublin where his clinical practice finds him engaged with couples, families and children challenged by many facets of contemporary living. For many years he has had a special interest in the area of post-separation family conflict and he has been assisting families and the family courts in Ireland in managing such conflict since 1977. His most recent publications include Vetere and Sheehan (2017) (eds.) Supervision of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice(New York: Springer) and Sheehan (2018) Family Conflict After Separation And Divorce (London: Palgrave McMillan).
Jim Sheehan

Reenee Singh
Chief Executive of the Association of Family Therapy,
Founding Director of the London Intercultural Couples Centre at the Child and Family Practice, UK
Dr. Reenee Singh is the Chief Executive of the Association of Family Therapy. She is a Consultant Family and Systemic Psychotherapist, and Founding Director of the London Intercultural Couples Centre at the Child and Family Practice. Reenee is the co-director of the Tavistock Family Therapy and Systemic Research Centre and was the Editor of the Journal of Family Therapy. She is a Visiting Professor at the University of Bergamo. Reenee has written and published widely in the areas of 'race', culture and qualitative research. She has presented her work nationally and internationally.
Reenee Singh
Chief Executive of the Association of Family Therapy,
Founding Director of the London Intercultural Couples Centre at the Child and Family Practice, UK

Anna Maria Sorrentino
Psychologist, psychoterapist,
co-founder and co-director of “Mara Selvini Palazzoli” Psychoterapy School, Italy
Psychologist, psychoterapist, co-founder and co-director of “Mara Selvini Palazzoli” Psychoterapy School, she was a member of the therapy and research team directed by Mara Selvini Palazzoli.
She is an expert on problems of childhood and the debilitating illness (Figli disabili 2006) and eating disorders. On developmental pathologies he has trained numerous operators in Italy and abroad. In training, she is particularly attentive to bodily and non-verbal aspects.
She is coauthor together with Mara Selvini Palazoli, Stefano Cirillo and Matteo Selvini of Family games, Norton, New York 1989; Karnac, London 1989 and Ragazze anoressiche e bulimiche (1998), with Stefano Cirillo and Matteo Selvini wrote Entrare in terapia: Le sette porte della terapia sistemica [Going into therapy: The Seven Doors of Systemic Therapy], Published by Raffaello Cortina.
Anna Maria Sorrentino
Psychologist, psychoterapist,
co-founder and co-director of “Mara Selvini Palazzoli” Psychoterapy School, Italy

Gemma Trapanese
Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Co-founder of Institute of Relational and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy - ISPPREF
More information to be announced soon.
Gemma Trapanese

Valeria Ugazio
Founder of European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies (EIST),
Professor of clinical psychology, University of Bergamo, Italy
Valeria Ugazio, Ph.D, is a psychologist and a systemic psychotherapist. She practices in Milan where she leads the European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies (EIST) (, which she founded twenty years ago. She is also a full professor of clinical psychology at the University of Bergamo, Italy, and has taught at the universities of Turin, Venice, Milan. Introduced to the family therapy field by Mara Selvini Palazzoli, her first mentor, she took part in what was to become the Milan Approach from the beginning and taught at the Centro Milanese di Terapia Familiare, directed by Luigi Boscolo and Gianfranco Cecchin, until she founded the EIST.
She developed a model of interpretation of personality and its possible pathological evolutions, named the theory of semantic polarities, set out in Semantic Polarities in the Families. Permitted and Forbidden Stories (2013, Routledge, New York). It presents a new perspective focused on meaning making and the development of phobic, eating, obsessive-compulsive and mood disorders within the family.
She is currently interested in applying her model to couples and in developing systemic therapeutic approaches coherent with the semantic polarities theory specific to individuals, couples and families facing phobic, obsessive-compulsive, eating and mood disorders and also specific to couples with high and low semantic cohesion.
Valeria Ugazio
Founder of European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies (EIST),
Professor of clinical psychology, University of Bergamo, Italy

Francesco Vadilonga
Director of Adolescence therapy center (CTA),
Co-director of IRIS School of Psychotherapy, Milan, Italy
Psychologist and Systemic Psychoterapist, trainer and supervisor. Director of Adolescence therapy center (CTA) and co-director of IRIS School of Psychotherapy in Milan, where he carries out teaching, research and clinical activities. He founded and coordinates the specialist support and treatment service for difficult adoptions and adoptive crisis. He coordinated a project on the development of a treatment manual for adoptive families based on systemic family therapy integrated with Attachment Theory interventions. For several years he has been committed in the field of trauma, abuse, child protection and foster care. Technical Court Counsultant at the Juvenile Court of Milan. Trainer and supervisor in private and public social services. Author of several publications and speaker at many national and international conferences. Board member of CISMAI (Italian Network of Services Against Children Abuse).
Francesco Vadilonga
Director of Adolescence therapy center (CTA),
Co-director of IRIS School of Psychotherapy, Milan, Italy